
miseJe is or hopes to be involved in projects throughout the world. We are guided by our mission to follow Jesus’ example of providing loving, humble, and selfless service and giving to those in need. Note that many of these projects are partner projects in which miseJe seeks to support work started by others.


Familia Feliz Project

miseJe is partnering with Familia Feliz to help in the construction and general maintenance of housing and new school buildings.

Familia Feliz, founded by Melissa Harding, has provided a refuge and family for orphaned, abused, and neglected children since 2005. They serve one of the most vulnerable populations in Bolivia and ensure protection from drugs, alcohol, homelessness, starvation, and human trafficking.

Beautifully situated on 112 acres(45 hectares) of Bolivian jungle, Familia Feliz provides a home and family for 60+ children who come from dangerous or difficult situations in and around Rurrenabaque, Beni. 

In addition to a Christ-centered community, children join their K-12 school and develop important agricultural and trade skills. With the continuous arrival of new children, Familia Feliz is bursting at the seams with energy, laughter, and compassion.


Current Project

Familia Feliz Project
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Ame Bolivia (Acción Médica en Bolivia)

miseJe partners with Ame Bolivia, an independent ministry with a long history of providing care for others in need. Ame Bolivia began in 2008 as a medical care and assistance project. miseJe is involved with a number of their projects, including an orphanage, the provision of home care services for patients in need of medical recuperation and rehabilitation, as well as ministries to help single moms with raising their children. Contact Wally to learn more about their various projects.


Current Project

AME Bolivia
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Scholarships for Education

In Bolivia, miseJe supports families who are having difficulty providing a Christian education for their children. Many parents desire a Christian education because, in the public education system, children are exposed to drugs, alcohol, sexual immorality, and more. Often students in the public system drop out of school early and do not go on to pursue a university education. miseJe provides scholarships for elementary children to help their families place them in a Christian school environment. We partner with the families to provide 50 to 70 percent of their child’s tuition, and the family commits to the remaining amount. To stay in the scholarship program, children need to maintain good grades and regular attendance. Throughout their Christian education, they are encouraged to grow closer to God and continue their education to the university level, where they can be fully equipped to serve God in the future.


Current Project

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Health Centre (Renacer – Centro Adventista De Vida Sana)

The West Venezuela Conference of Seventh-day Adventists has established a health centre to serve the community. They are specializing in natural treatments such as hydrotherapy, massage, water aerobics and spiritual health. On a quarterly basis, they are hoping to offer free health clinics for those in need. miseJe has provided startup money for the inauguration of the health centre and we continue to help them expand their services through the purchase of medical equipment like scales and blood pressure monitors. Follow their progress on their Facebook page.


Current Project

Health Centre
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Isaias 58 Venezuela

Isaias 58 provides support to neglected sectors of the Venezuelan population. They prepare and serve three meals a day to people in poverty. As guests enjoy the nutritious food they share the good news of Jesus with them to restore their hope. They also run an orphanage, health centre and missionary school. misJe is proud to partner with them on their valuable mission projects. Learn more about their mission work on their website.


Current Project

Isaias 58 Venezeula
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PAMAS – Philippines Helicopter Project

PAMAS is a faith-based, volunteer-driven organization which aids the Seventh-day Adventist church in it’s mission to carry the great news of the Gospel to the world through the use of aviation and medical ministry. Their work has grown and expanded to cover three main areas of the Philippines, with air support in Palawan, North Luzon, and Mindanao. PAMAS’s mission is to speed the spread of the gospel to the unreached and remote areas of the Philippines by providing air and medical support to established SDA missions and organizations and to help the church to open new work in unentered territory. 

miseJe supports PAMAS by helping them acquire necessities to support their mission work. Visit their website to learn more about their ministry. Currently, they need to complete the following projects: 

  • Two hanger houses – completing the conversion of shipping containers that make up the hanger walls into houses for the pilots and mechanics to live in
  • Three FM radio stations needed for the island of Palawan, and two sites in Luzon


Current Project

PAMAS Helicopter with People
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Global Mission Work

miseJe Helicopter Project

The founder of miseJe, Marco Suarez, recently accomplished his dream of becoming a helicopter pilot. His desire is to use his skill as a pilot to provide disaster and relief support. His next dream is to acquire a helicopter for miseJe to use in the service of Jesus throughout the world. The helicopter will be used for a variety of  necessities during times of crisis, including medical evacuations, transporting needed medicines, food and supplies. The helicopter will also be used to transport people to help in times of need, such as missionaries, medical specialists, disaster relief workers and more. Contact us to learn how you can help this dream become a reality.


Future Project

Marco with helicopter
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