About miseJe
miseJe (Missionaries in the Service of Jesus) is an incorporated non-profit organization in Canada. Its mission is to create awareness and provide opportunities for people to follow Jesus’ example of loving, humble, and selfless service and giving to those in need. miseJe is a registered Canadian charity.
About Marco Suarez, Founder
“A man with a vision” – that could be a short description of this man of God.
Although his childhood was affected by the poor economy in his family, his parents did everything possible to give an education to their four sons, from which Marco is the oldest one.
After finishing school Marco pursued his dream of becoming a petroleum and gas engineer, but God guided him to an opportunity get involved with a self-supported missionary. Marco could clearly see how God blesses whoever puts himself into His hands and decides to place his future to the one who says “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13
After marrying Elizabeth, they emigrated to Canada where they have accomplished some personal, spiritual and family goals.
In Canada, God showed Marco and his family His strong and guiding hand, giving them great opportunities to grow financially. But Marco always had in his mind clear spiritual goals to help his neighbours. For this reason, after accomplishing another of his dreams to become a helicopter pilot, Marco decided to open a non-profit organization to be a blessing to people in need.
Let us pray and ask God how we can be used as God’s instruments to the many in need.
God bless this project.
Remberto Parada
In this video, you can see the early work of the miseJe team in 2009, before the group formalized into the charitable organization that they are today.
Wally Weber, Director of the Board
Wally Weber’s passion for mission work began on his honeymoon when he and his wife, Maureen, participated in mission work in Belize with their young adult group from their church. Since then both of them have participated in numerous mission projects abroad, with a large emphasis on Central and South America.
Throughout the years Wally and Maureen have found joy in sharing the gospel in practical ways. From volunteering in his home city to abroad, he has kept James 1:27 as his focus – “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”
He is excited about serving as a Director on the Board of miseJe as God presents us with opportunities to work for Him.

Wally Weber and his wife, Maureen